In recent years, several critics and art historians have tried to apprehend contemporary art historically. Several books, some journals and monographs on various meetings and forums intellectuals have faced this problem, with varying success. This symposium was proposed to participate in this debate from the questions: What does today, “contemporary art”? Is this a new type of artistic production? How a new type of attitude on the part of the viewer? Or should we opt for new forms of sponsorship or exhibition and distribution, addressing contemporary art?
In collaboration with La Caixa and La Universidad Popular de Navarra, Ankaria Foundation organized this symposium which was discussed and studied the structures and set of social, political and economic compose the context of contemporary art. On the other hand also investigated the role of the past in this art. Is it “contemporary art” the name of a period of art history that has happened to the modern?. Or is it just a kind of modern art that has outlived its time?

Alexander Alberro is Associate Professor Virginia Bloedel Wright of art history at Barnard College (Columbia University), where he teaches modern and contemporary art.
Presentation: What is contemporary art today?
Terry Smith holds the Chair Andrew W. Mellon History and Theory of Contemporary Art in the Department of Art History and Architecture at the University of Pittsburgh.
Presentation: Arte Contemporáneo: remodernidad, transiciones, traducción
Pamela Lee is a professor in the Department of Art and Art History at Stanford University (California), where she teaches history, theory and criticism of modern and contemporary art.
Presentation: New games
Juliane Rebentisch is a professor of philosophy at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt and a member of the Senate of Excellence “The Formation of Normative Orders” at the same university.
Presentation: Progress and autonomy in contemporary art
Andrea Giunta is a professor of Latin American art at the University of Texas (Austin), where he co-directs the Permanent Seminar on Latin American Art (PSLA) and the Center for Latin American Visual Studies (CLAVIS).
Presentation: Glamour of files
Francisco Calvo Serraller, Doctor of Philosophy specializing in Art History from the Complutense University, where he is Professor of History of Contemporary Art.