
Itinerant exhibition “The Painted Word” Valladolid

Exposición La Palabra Pintada, en la Sala Las Francesas de Valladolid, del 31 de enero al 4 de marzo de 2018

The Municipal Room of the Church of Las Francesas in Valladolid, hosts “The painted word: artist’s books”. The exhibition is organized by the Municipal Culture Foundation of Valladolid City Council and the Ankaria Foundation. The painted word brings together around fifty serialized pieces, and presents the artist’s book as an exceptional format and medium for plastic creation, until it becomes what it is: a genre itself. The pieces selected for the exhibition range from the editions of bibliofilia, in which the image illustrates and accompanies the text, to those closer to the concept of book-object, in which the artist displays all his creative capacity.

Books by Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró, Eduardo Chillida, Pablo Palazuelo, Antonio Saura, Antoni Tàpies, Santiago Serrano, or Juan Uslé, can be seen in this exhibition, along with texts by writers like: Jaime Sabartés, Joan Brossa, José Miguel Ullán, Jonathan Swift, Jack London, Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, Víctor Hugo, or Kevin Power. This exhibition is constantly growing with the winner pieces of the Ankaria Artist Book Award and the foundation offers every year. This year there can be found the works by winner Guillermo Mora, shared second-price Beatriz Diaz Ceballos and Rosell Meseguer, and by Beatriz Rodríguez Gregores, winner of the young artist award, given  this year for the first time.

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