The Foundation, in collaboration with PHotoEspaña (PHE) – the international photography and visual arts festival – and Tanger’s Cervantes Institute, organizes a photography portfolio viewing next May 6th, 2015 at the Cervantes Institute premises in Tangier.
The portfolio viewing is a training programme conceived as a way for moroccan photographers that are developing a body of work to hear different professional points of view to improve their presentation and enhance their works. 15 photographers will have the chance to present their work in front of three important curators for 20 minutes.
Among these 15 participants, some will be chosen to participate in the PHE Discovery Week (from June 1st to 6th) with all expenses paid by the organization. And so, they will be able to take part in this professional meeting of PIC.A and enjoy for three days seven individual meetings and a whole program of seminars and activities in relation with PHotoEspaña Festival.
The terms and conditions can be downloaded both in French and in Spanish.
For inscriptions, fill the inscription form that can be downloaded on the left and send it with 10 low resolution images to info@fundacionankaria.org