After the success of last year, the Ankaria Foundation has called for the second consecutive year the TRANSVERSIA residency program to promote the realization of research projects in the field of the arts as well as to provide opportunities for the creation and development of artistic works by emerging artists, that facilitate the reflection on the current aesthetic problems, providing the necessary support in the processes of production and accompaniment, at a conceptual level, for them.
The call is addressed to Spanish and Senegalese artists over 18 whose discipline is within the plastic arts. The necessary requirements are detailed in the basis of the call that can be downloaded on this page. Soon the registration period will open and the necessary registration form will be made available to do so.
The residence grant must allow the conception, formalization and production of the selected project and its subsequent exposure in the manner determined by the Ankaria Foundation, if deemed appropriate. The Foundation assumes the commitment to provide people with a series of material and personal resources for the correct development of the project, such as: artists’ fees and production expenses, travel expenses and daily subsistence allowances, among others.
Each artist can present a single project or proposal, either individual or collective, of a free theme. The submitted projects will be evaluated by a professional jury and the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, taking into account the following criteria:
1. Innovation and originality.
2. Quality and creativity.
3. Coherence of the project in itself and in relation to the trajectory that the participants have had up to now.
4. Ability to create channels of flow of artistic activity in the context of the residential program convened.
A platform for the presentation of applications has been created, which is also on this page, where the steps to be followed are detailed. It must be taken into account that once the project proposal has been posted it can not be modified in its concept, but not any computer error, so it is important to read it carefully and upload the documents once they are all complete.
In case you need more information or any clarification in info@fundacionankaria.org we are at your disposal.